Tensa Zangetsu!

What’s on my mind? Tensa Zengetsu!

Okay I’m so excited right now! You don’t even know how happy I am right now I can’t stop smiling! I was so happy I danced around my kitchen screaming! Okay wanna know what has me so excited? I was on my friend Matthew’s blog here a link for it you guys should definitely check it out because it’s awesome https://matthew903.wordpress.com/. When I saw the most awesome thing I’ve ever seen! He has Tensa Zangetsu! As an umbrella!( For those that may not know Tensa Zangetsu! Is Ichigo’s Bankai in Bleach. It’s kind of ironic that he’s an umbrella now considering he hates the rain)I was so jealous but not anymore because I found one too and I’m so happy and excited because I can’t wait till it gets here so I can use it! I don’t care if it’s not raining outside I’m still going to use it regardless and probably take a million pictures with it and of it! My friends are going to be so jealous! I’M SO EXCITED!!!!! Although it probably will be mistaken as a weapon according to Matthew because that’s what happened to him. Lol. I’M SO HAPPY! 

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