No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m Not Popular! First look.

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m Not Popular!, Vol. 1 by Nico Tanigawa, Krista Shipley (Translator), Karie Shipley (Translator)

Tomoko Juroki naturally assumed she’d be popular when she got to high school…but then cold, hard reality swooped in for the attack! Turns out all the popularity points she’d racked up in her video game dating sims are worth squat in real life, and Tomoko’s far from prepared to navigate high school! How can she possibly hope to impress her classmates when she can’t even talk to them?! A new high-school heroine is born (maybe?)! Summary from Goodreads
My thoughts…
Well this sounds like it’s going to be super interesting. Tomoko is definitely going to have the ride of her life. I admit her thinking is a little out. I mean just assuming that you will be popular when you get to high school because of video games. Is a little out there, just a little bit. As Tomoko soon learns. But I think this experience will be good for Tomoko. Because from what I have read she sounds like she is really shy and timid. Which isn’t a bad thing but I think Tomoko wants to be a little more open. So I think it will be good for her you know help her come out of her shell a little bit. Open up to people and not be too shy to talk to them. She will soon learn that people aren’t all that scary. Plus she plays video games which is a win she has something to talk about with other people. Plus most guys think video games are cool. So I think Tomoko is gonna rock this. She will find her friends and group pretty quickly. At least I think so anyway. Tomoko you go this! I’ll see when I get around to reading the manga.

40 thoughts on “No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m Not Popular! First look.

  1. I watched the anime which is funny in a way that I can’t really explain but it’s enjoyable and worth the watch. I haven’t read the manga 😦 but I assume it’s worth the read as well.

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