One lovely blog award!x2 Nominees!

Alright here it is. My nominations for the One lovely blog award! All theses people have awesome blogs that you should definitely check out.

The nominees are..

  1. Daiyamanga
  2. Takuto’s Anime Cafe
  3. Anime please
  4. Animeimg
  5. Animeimonographia
  6. Fragglepuss
  7. Our linked obsession
  8. Ka-chan Anime reviews
  9. Fujinsei
  10. Funny anime pics
  11. Popculturemecha
  12. Ian wolf
  13. The anime rambler
  14. Anime corps
  15. Just something about Lyn
  16. Otakuku highschool Life
  17. The anime madhouse
  18. Wanimu
  19. Above the veil
  20. We the hunted
  21. The anime analyst
  22. Thoughts on anime
  23. Falling through the bed
  24. Lita Kino anime reviews
  25. Sleeping Geeks
  26. Derii Raifu
  27. Infiinity
  28. Matt-in-the-Hat
  29. Deluscar
  30. Kuroi Hoseki

The rules

I await your awesome posts. Have fun and happy holidays.

29 thoughts on “One lovely blog award!x2 Nominees!

  1. Uff, you’ve selected a ton of people there — I usually skimp out because I’m lazy, but you went the full way, haha! Thank ya for choosing me as one of those lucky people! I’m not sure when I can get it up, but I’ve got it written down somewhere.
    Enjoy the holidays~

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award by Ignite18 | Matt-in-the-Hat

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