One lovely blog award x2!

I want to thank Matt-in-the-Hat and KemdirimOkezie for nominating me for this award it means a lot to me so I thank you :). I don’t know how else to thanks you. I hope you like this post.

The rules!

  1. You must thank person who nominated you and include a link to their blog
  2. You must list the rules and display the award
  3. You must add 7 facts about yourself
  4. You must nominate 15 other bloggers

Alright here we go.

14 facts about me are…

  1. I really like sweet chili heat doritos. They are the best kind second runner up is cool ranch and the original nacho cheese doritos. 
  2. My favorite candy to eat while watching a movie in theaters are skittles. But I eat so many that I come out sick of skittles. But that doesn’t stop me from eating more the next day.
  3. I’m not a coffee drinker tea is my life saver in the morning. 
  4. Gaming is a huge part of my life. It’s what my brothers and I do when we hang out. Plus it’s a great way to get in some sibling time while kicking there butts. Also it’s a great way to knock some sense into my guy friends when they think they can bet anyone.
  5. I absolutely love anything comfortable. Pillows, couches, fuzzy blankets, fuzzy socks.
  6. Flawless by Beyonce is my wake up song right now. 
  7. I love to bake and cook. I’m not a bad chef if I do say so myself. My favorite things to bake are cookies, pies and cakes.
  8. One of my favorite things to do is jump on my trampoline.
  9. I love to write. I have written a bunch of short stories. 
  10. I actually really liked Zuko from Avatar the last airbender. I mean yes he was a jerk but he was still a good person. It just took some time.
  11. I don’t like olives or tomatoes. I have a friend who would actually prefer to eat tomatoes over strawberries.
  12. I am always a grouch on Monday mornings. I don’t know why Mondays and I just don’t get along.
  13. I think spiders are scary. Because they are. I may be bigger than it but it still scares me.
  14. I have way to many nick names. I was trying trying to count them all and I got up to 20 before my I started laughing. I swear everyone of my friends has a different nick name for me. But I’m cool with that. Alright here ends my award post. I shall post my nomination soon since I have 30 bloggers to nominate. Until next time.