3 day quote challenge! Day 3!

Here we are the last day of this challenge! It’s going to be fun! Alright here we go.

The rules…

  • Post one quotation a day for three days (they can be from other sources or one of your own).
  • Nominate 3 other bloggers to participate per post.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.

 Yeah it’s true sometimes you just need to let go and just go with the flow. Instead of always trying to be super prepared for everything. Let go be loose have a little fun. Because sometimes just seeing what happens when you don’t do anything is a wonderful to behold.

 What some people don’t realize is that having a weak spot or a weakness is okay. It’s up to you whether you’re going to take that weakness and turn it into a strength. Being number one isn’t all there is to life because why be number one if you’re there all alone. But most of all just be yourself, be you, be unique, be different. Being one of a kind is better then being a carbon copy of someone else. The nominees…

Jeffrey Botah


3 day quote challenge! Day 2!

Alright here we are day 2 of our challenge!

The rules…

  • Post one quotation a day for three days (they can be from other sources or one of your own).
  • Nominate 3 other bloggers to participate per post.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.

This is one of my favorite quotes. Because it’s true you shouldn’t make a choice or decision because of someone else. Make a decision based on what you know and what you think is right. Because taking someone else’s advice especially someone who won’t have to deal with the consequences is dangerous. So make decisions based on the whole picture and don’t base it of someone who won’t see the results.

 Although they may drive me crazy sometimes I wouldn’t trade my family for anything in the world. My family and friends who are like a second family to me are part of what makes me who I am today. They love and accept me and all my crazy ideas. They make me smile and laugh. Laughing is one of the things we do best all together.  The nominees are…


Lita Kino

Ninety’s Blog

3 day quote challenge!

I want to thank Matt-in-the-Hat for nominating me for this award. This one is always a lot of fun so thanks a again.  So over the nest 3 days or so I shall post all my quotes. Alright here we go but first the rules.

The rules…

  • Post one quotation a day for three days (they can be from other sources or one of your own).
  • Nominate 3 other bloggers to participate per post.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.

Since I’m a bit of a rebel I’m going to put more then one of my favorite quotes up just because I can.

So true you can see what you want to see but you can’t feel what you want to feel.

As much as I love being right and saying so, it’s important to know when to shut up. Be right but be the better person and don’t rub it in as much. Or better yet just do a mental happy dance. I have learned the funny way that shutting up is sometimes the best thing to do. Because watching your friends gap like fish as they try to prove that you’re wrong when they know you’re right is funny. My nominees are…

Takuto’s Anime Cafe


My fujoshi life